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Atelier Gallery Kaikkonen Summer exhibition 2024

Published 27.06.2024

The opening of Ateljee-Galleria Kaikkonen's summer 2024 exhibition will be celebrated on Friday, July 12. at 18:00. After the opening day, Sampo Kaikkonen's Essence of Time exhibition will be open Fri-Sun 12-17 until August 4. The visit can also be arranged at other times by contacting us in advance.

In the program of the opening night, the artist's talk about the theme of the exhibition and the music of Aki Mikkonen, a musician from Oulu.

During the opening hours of the exhibition, Sally's Vintage pop-up boutique and a small cafe are also open in connection with the exhibition.

There is no entrance fee to the exhibition. Welcome!

Note! The exhibition space is located in the hayloft of the barn, which unfortunately does not have barrier-free access, only stairs.

Published 27.06.2024

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